Creating and sharing PDFs

You can use WordPerfect Office X3 in tandem with WordPerfect® Lightning™ to create, preview, and e-mail PDF files.

WordPerfect Office X3 is renowned for its built-in PDF publishing capabilities, which make it easy and cost-effective to share WordPerfect Office documents while maintaining control over content and appearance.

WordPerfect Lightning, a free downloadable word processor from Corel, provides a simple selection of tools that make it fast and easy to consume, capture, or reuse the information that's important to you. WordPerfect Lightning lets you view WordPerfect, Microsoft® Word, and PDF files. You can also e-mail a file directly from WordPerfect Lightning.

To get more information and download WordPerfect Lightning, visit

To create a PDF in WordPerfect® Office X3

  1. In WordPerfect, Quattro Pro or Presentations, click File > Publish To > PDF.

  2. In the Publish To PDF dialog box, click the General tab.

  3. Click Browse.

  4. Choose the drive and folder in which you want to save the file.

  5. Type a filename in the Filename box.

  6. Click Save.

  7. From the PDF style list box, choose one of the following options:

    • Smallest file — creates a PDF suitable for online viewing, such as a document to be distributed by e-mail or displayed on the Web

    • Standard desktop printing and viewing — creates a PDF suitable for viewing or printing on a laser or desktop printer

    • Highest quality — creates a high-quality PDF to send to a printer or digital copier

  8. In the Export Range area, enable one of the following options:

    • Full document — publishes the entire file

    • Current page — publishes the active page only

    • Pages — publishes a portion of the file

    • Selection — publishes selected text

  9. Click OK.

To e-mail a PDF from WordPerfect® Lightning™

  1. Open the PDF in the Viewer.

  2. Click the Save button, and choose Send to Mail Recipient.